RightDeve Wrote:But in terms of real-life tactics and plan, it always works.
Agree, real life tactics work in the game BUT to some extent IMHO, not all RL tactics work in the game and some tactics that work in the game won´t work in RL, at the end it´s all about playing a game which not simulates real life,depicts it, that´s my point.
For example: in depicted battle situations the game´s code can´t simulate accurately 3 tanks advancing at the same time against 3 stationary tanks, which is a common real life maneouver, opfire from the stationary tanks will concentrate fire on one tank advancing each time, making it a 3vs1 skrimish while in real life it would be 3vs3, so at the end you have to plan according to those gamey mechanics which rule the game, not entirely acording to RL tactics which will work in some situations, and just because the game´s mechanics allow for it.
IMHO RL tactics work in the game, but just in certain situations that the code allows. Example: fire and move tactic is effective in real life as it is in the game just because the code punishes accuracy for movement (depicting RL) so stationary game tanks get a better hit chance that moving ones, so they will be more likely to destroy enemy units just as in RL. In those wargames in wich a movement penalty is not provided the tactic would be useless, just as there are useless RL tactics in SP.
Just my $0.02
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