RE: New MC scenario passes H2H testing !!
Why you should play this:
-It is a relatively minor scenario featuring 1 Corps on the NATO side and 2 WAPA armies. It is thus possible to play over the course of about a month of daily email exchanges.
-It features a lot of different units from different countries with varying capabilities and levels of experience. This scenario literally has everything!
-It features a more accurate NATO OOB than the stock DF85 game, an OOB which better reflects the operational conditions on the Jutland peninsula.
-It features amphibious and airborne reinforcemnts for both sides!
-You get to fight over a peice of unique terrain (a peninsula) which presents unique operational and tactical challenges for both the attacker and defender.
Why you should not play this scenario:
-Since I decided to stick as close to the stock DF85 scenario as possible WAPA still has units available that would have been earmarked for other theatres (most notably the danish isles partially visible in the NE corner of the map). It is therefore necessary to play the game with some mandatory Optional Rules in effect in order to affect a pro-NATO balancing, most notably "Artillery Setup" and "Explicit Supply". If you do not like these optional rules this scenario might not be for you ;)
Thanks to Kuriltai and Varjager for helping with the testing. The next scenario variant I post for playtesting should do away with the mandatory "Optional Rules" :)