Turn One
From DK's POV first
DK has left his infantry and his MGMC as a blocking force on the road in the scattered trees, while pulling back halftracks to secure the mayors house.
He tried to rush TF-C across the open ground but they got pinned down by HMG fire from KG-B.
TF-D was given a mixture of MTC and Run orders, OWL hasn't spotted this TF yet so their movement is unimpeded yet.
TF-E Is being sent on a flanking mission with move to contact orders. It looks like they have a good chance of getting down the side of OWL undetected but it is only a PLT in strength so may not be able to do that much damage.
TF-B is being moved forward on MTC orders, no contact so far.
TF-A is being moved forward on MTC and Run orders, no contact so far.
Now this is an interesting move, DK has ordered his mortars to open fire on one of the treelines on the opposite side of the map. I know I generally try and hold my mortar fire until I know it will be put to best use. Most of these mortar rounds fall harmlessly but they did manage to pin and even panic a few units from KG-B.
Now from OWL's POV
He sent me this screenshot which i feel best shows his movement plans.
Owl has sent his recon forces straight for the Town Square. I had hoped both players would rush straight for this and we would have a brutal fight on the first turn, no luck there.
A shot from OWLs POV at the end of turn 1, he has managed to move most of his units unharrassed but this is more than likely due to the fact that DK has put short cover arcs (~250m) on all his MMG teams.
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