Heads-up on a scenario name - confusing
Hey everyone, the scenario "Reign of confusion" is aptly named.
There is a second scenario in the database called "* Reign of confusion" - very confusing indeed!
Both versions spell a lower-case "confusion" in the name.
I tried to start a game of the one set in Germany, and my opponent thought it was a file error and started his own game for the AFRIKACORPS version and sent it to me - now we have two games going, and neither one worked till I found out what was going on.
1. He didn't have the "Germany" setting version downloaded.
2. He had zipped the Arikacorps scenario incorrectly - putting the file inside a folder, then inside another folder - like one of those Russian dolls.
Adding to the uh, confusion, both scenarios are 18 turns in length, allies start each one, and the allies win about 2/3rd's the time in each.
Just thought I'd point this out to everyone.
Thus, what is of supreme importance in war is to attack the enemy's strategy.
Sun Tzu