I prefer fun and balance over all. :smoke:
Attack, defend, or meeting makes no difference.
I also prefer unique tactical situations and the utilization of "un-common" common period equipment. Nothing like using the equipment that was used for attacks and defense? Nothing like having an all infantry formation facing an armored juggernaut, and sweating out the arrival of friendly armor/anti-armor forces?
Jason and crew have provided a wealth of historical units in historical formations in his OOBs. I try to use them with some tweaking for specific scenario situations.
I like size 5 through 8 with between 20 to 25 turns. These sizes often give players ample choices to perform missions within a two, to two and half, hour battle framework. Though, I am trying my darndest to make scenarios that are smaller, they all seem to grow on their own. :rolleyes:
For teamgames I prefer a bit more time 40 to 50 turns and a much larger map, with clearly defined COC for each side. von Neimack showed the way with that style. I'm thinking of dipping into designing a teamgame.