RE: SP Terrain challenge
Thanks for the input.
I confess that I did consult the SPWaW guide to try to help figure this out. As you probably know WaW actually lists the quality of cover that each terrain type provides. As these games are ‘cousins’ they share some of the same DNA, and that may include terrain cover to some extent.
Streams – I checked WaW and they have ‘rivers’ as Poor. Which would make them the same as ‘Clear’. I’m going to bump ‘Streams’ into Poor for now, and will test this to see if Streams belong in Very Poor with Shallow and Deep Water.
I’ll be disappointed if Streams are Very Poor, because just about every stream I’ve seen IRL has some good cover in the way of banks. But perhaps in the game Stream hexes represent mid-stream rather than including the typical terrain that hems in a stream.
Shell Holes – Makes sense to me, I heard in the distant past they gave only slight cover (perhaps I imagined small shell holes) but I bumped shell holes to ‘Very Good’.
Combinations – My belief/understanding is that terrain cover is cumulative. So I will leave ‘Rough’ and ‘Stone building rubble’ in ‘Excellent’; and assume that ‘Trees’ on top of ‘Rough’ will give you ‘Excellent’ + ‘Good”.
Beach Sand – I think I was a bit confused here. There are clear terrain hexes that are sand coloured, but these are really the same as ‘Clear’ hexes. Then there are actual sand hexes, which are probably supposed to represent flat beaches or flat desert; and therefore belong in the Very Poor category.
Soft Sand - In addition there are Soft Sand hexes (also referred to as Sand Dunes or Volcanic Sand in the Game Guide) these hexes can cause vehicles to get stuck, but should provide protection from harm. I’ve spent a lot of time messing around in sand dunes and I think they should offer at least ‘Good’ protection (think Dunkirk). I’ll have to test these in the game.
Dragons Teeth – I actually have no idea if these provide any protection at all. I just thought I’d throw them in there to see if anyone knew, and with the thought they should offer at least some protection.
Again, I may have to test these if no one knows.
Slopes – Slopes definitely offer ‘Good’ protection in WaW, but I can’t recall the reason why. Not sure if this is also the case in SPWW2.
I will edit my OP to include the above changes.