RE: Disabled Armor-Indirect by the Map-and more about Gardening Later
Your Tom Cruise saying goes much further back in history than that particular 'celebrity.' I was in for a lifetime. If you have a choice of is often the case...... why something gets totally f#cked up, choosing "stupidity" is usually a safe bet.
I think your idea is great, Xroads. An optional choice of "bad day at the office" We've all had 'em. existing condition in the game....might serve to simulate the reduced combat efficiency of a formation, unit or subunit affected by FUBAR syndrome.
Could the computer do it..... and for what %age of a given force?
But most importantly, should it be even considered. I am on record as being a strong critic of some JTCS additions which are sheer farce. I think a proportion of "CSers" would see the FUBAR option as heading to the fafarcical end of the viability spectrum