RE: The Advantage Slide
Well I just tried it, and you sure can slide it. Somewhere in my memory from Talonsoft days is playing with the slide when setting up a PBEM game and seeing a flag saying that advantage is always set to zero during a PBEM game.......which made great sense to me then, and still does. It then went straight to the "don't need to consider this again" part of my memory...never gave the slide it another thought until today.
A quick check of my old EFII manual does indicate that the slide does work for PBEM. However, the top menu bar A/I box will advise the state of advantage, and if one tries to move it, a caption appears on the bottom of the screen saying Advantage cannot be changed during Special Modes. Which was probably the flag I saw and remembered. But one had better remember to check it.
This is a very good point, Pat.