(01-24-2010, 09:12 PM)Foul. Wrote: While new titles are always welcome, i will never live long enough to properly play the PzC/MC titles that exist at the moment! :(
So this fact does not overly worry me.
With 17 PzC titles (by my count - I have 13 of them) plus the fact that Volcano Man has given most of them "the alternative scenario treatment" I
know that I won't live long enough to thoroughly explore each game.
Seriously though, I'd rather see HPS continue to take their time to produce thoughtful & well researched games than see them go the way of some other companies (cranking out half -*ssed buggy crap just so they can make some quick cash).
Just my 2 cents...
.."A critical oversight that has led to yet another mouthful of poo." . Dirty Jobs with Mike Rowe