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River Assault Issue
02-02-2010, 07:29 AM,
River Assault Issue
I am currently working on 2 scenarios, 1 EF and 1 WF. The WF involves an allied armor breakthrough and later with a large river assault. The river assault would include, rafts, boats, crewed boats, ducks, weasels, and pontoon ferries. But just like when this game was owned by TalonSoft, I can not find anything that will transport "rafts, boats, crewed boats or pontoon ferries" I have tried to load these units in every land vehicle available in order to transport them from the front lines to the river for the river assault, but they will not load on any of them. Just like the old TalonSoft rules, the rafts and boats will only move on land if you load units in them, but having the infantry lug these things on their backs to the river which could be 10 miles away is ridiculous. The "crewed boats" and the "pontoon ferries" can only move if they start their turn in the water, and in this case would mean they would have to be placed in enemy territory 10 miles from the front line and which just does not work at all. The only thing that I could find that would load the boats and rafts were large landing craft but that only works if you are designing a beach assault. So My question is, does anyone know if any of the amphibious units I have mentioned can be loaded on a land vehicle so they can be transported to the river from the front lines? I do not believe there are any, but thought I would ask anyway. It would be nice if Mr. Tiller would write some script for some allied flat bed trucks so these types of units could be loaded on them for transportation purposes. In fact rafts and boats should be able to be transported into at least a 2 1/2 ton truck. One more thing and which is off topic, I was going to play test the Normandy Scenario but due to the size and the time needed to move the allies, I just would not have the time to make the allied moves and due to the amount of units involved. Just being constructive here, and, by the way, the designer did a great job on the map, I think if the main scenario was split into 3 or 4 separate beach scenarios it would be more workable as far as time goes. The other time issue I see is the fact that you as the allies and eventually as the axis player, you may have to save the game more than once and which brings up the suspicion of not playing fare as we discussed earlier in other topics. And just to touch on that subject lightly, and after giving it some more thought, another way around playing your turn over and over again is to have the game also installed on a lap top or other computer along with your main computer and which are both hooked up to your Internet connection, and use the laptop or auxiliary computer to play the turn over and over with out using your main computer and then make the final move on the main computer. The last thing about the Normandy Scenario is that I noticed he had to use land to place his Naval Guns. I played with that for while and found out that if you place and for instance a battleship in the water off the beach and place a 16 inch or what ever gun you want in the same hex and then load it on to the battleship it works just fine and can fire and also move insted of having the gun being stationary on a small piece of land. This also works for cruisers/ destroyers etc. One last thing, when I place a battleship in the water the unit icon that shows up is actually a large airplane, anyone else have this issue? Good job on the scenario, looks great wish I had time to test it :(

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Messages In This Thread
River Assault Issue - by Troll - 02-02-2010, 07:29 AM
RE: River Assault Issue - by Glint - 02-02-2010, 08:05 AM
RE: River Assault Issue - by Troll - 02-02-2010, 08:44 AM
RE: River Assault Issue - by Troll - 02-02-2010, 09:37 AM
RE: River Assault Issue - by Glint - 02-02-2010, 09:09 AM

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