Your Opponent's Replay Watching
I have just opened my first turn to make sure if I pressed "end turn" button, but instead of giving me an error message (which would mean that I did) it was asking me if I want to watch the replay. Oh, right, I thought, this is the first turn and my opponent did not enter his password yet. Ok, this is a mirror game anyway, lets see how it will look like when he opens it...
Well, I was very surprised with what I saw.
There was a long piece of paved road in the LOS of my opponent's AT. It destroys my Serman; I overrun it with my Greyhound platoon. And then...
And then I am thinking that since there is no any ATs anymore I can move along the road being unspoted and place my units in some secret :smoke: positions. But what do I see instead? Watching my opponents replay I see all my "secret" moves in the LOS of that captured AT until the end of the turn as if it is still there. Then at the very end everything disappear but anyway he saw all the locations where I moved.
What I thought before is that after a unit is destroyed or captured, my opponent is loosing it's LOS immediately. What is this, a bug or it is working always like that?
If it does, I better will take it in concideration next time :chin:
Any thoughts?