RE: Special Rules for WinSP
Is there any way to set up a battle and/or senario in something other than the standard chessboard, you on the left side - me on the right?
For instance, if you wanted a senario where a group was surrounded in enemy territory and other units had to fight in to aid them or "downed aircrew" senario - where a size 0 unit had to evade enemy forces behind enemy lines, with a rescue force on the way - could you do this in SP?
Also, has anyone had "civilians" set up in a battle. Meaning one side has some units that they are required to turn the weapons off and that they can't move (without pregame consent), that represent civilans. You could have them appear identical to the fighting units in insurgent, civil war, guerilla war battles - or use an allied force that looks a little different than the fighting units, so the civies are more recognizable by the opposing side. The obvious rationale would be to penalize the other player for any civilian casulaties. To further hamper the other player, you could also set penalties for destruction of buildings/structures.
Has anybody done anything like that?
GUNSLNGR"A man will be imprisoned in a room with a door that's unlocked and opens inwards; as long as it does not occur to him to pull rather than push."