Additionally, it should be made absolutely clear to play testers how the rating works?
Basically, should the play balance rating be voted as 7, other ratings do not really matter "at all" (enjoyment, descriptions)... E.g. a rating of 7, 9 and 9 gives a balanced rating of 7,93.
The requirement for four ratings with an
weighted average of 8.0 or better is a very tough one, with the current weighting, but that is obviously how the H2H is planned.
The designer should perhaps do a bit of lobbying with the testers to ensure he gets the rating he believes the scenario deserves?
(It goes without saying he should reflect the feedback he receives back to the scenario.)
I am not an expert with the process as such, but thought I would give my 0.02 regarding the importance of voting / rating the scenario per what is the actual opinion of the tester: :thumbs_up: or :thumbs_down:.
EDIT: The opposite is true of course as well: should the balance be let us say 9 it does not matter if the enjoyment factor truly "sucks". I do not mean to :stir: but rather to point out the weighted importance of
EDIT2: I was going to post that I do not mind giving ** Grossman's Holiday a test but what HSL is actually saying is that the sceanrio was posted to database without the H2H stamp? This cannot be right either?