I was not critisizing (sp?) the H2H system as such although I admit my post was not very clear on that.
I tried to point out how people typically use a voting scale of 0 - 10, and of the fact that on this case it should be understood that giving a balance rating of 7 means "not good enough" vs. "quite OK", (almost) regardless what the other ratings are...
I agree that 8 or above is how it should be, but again, pointed out that it is all about the balance score.
I remain confused however (no worries, that's how I spent most of my life it seems :whis: ) on the demand for four reports of 8 or better:
What if say a scenario receives four reports that rate the balance as 7, and mention that let us say there is not enough turns for the other side, or that the reinforcements arrive too late.
If the scenario is then "fixed" with a simple fix of adding a few turns and / or having the said reinforcements arrive a few turns earlier, the scenario still requires another four positive test reports?
I also remain confused as how I can tell between a scenario that has passed the H2H process against a scenario that has not?
EDIT Got it: "H2H means that the scenarios is designed to be played versus human in PBEM. Neither scenario was uploaded with [BZ], which means that it made it through the H2H process."
My apologies for hijacking your thread :)