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Can someone delete/update the dead scenarios?
06-19-2010, 03:15 AM, (This post was last modified: 06-19-2010, 03:24 AM by Bear.)
RE: Can someone delete the dead scenarios?

This "sharing" of scenarios by players uploading scenarios into other sites by people not affiliated with the scenario or the source club/site has been going on for years. I know this because someone here at The Blitz sent me a thank you for some Campaign Series scenarios I posted years ago at The Depot. They were uploaded here and I didn't know it till few months ago.
Likewise, I've gotten emails from Germany, Russia etc clubs that thanked me for my scenarios. When I had no idea that these clubs/sites existed nor had anything to do with my stuff being loaded except for the counter on our site that tracks Downloads.

Now, if I can only get .99 USD for each download... :rolleyes:

The issue remains that we ought to set a deadline and clean out the dead scenarios for the sake of our club's presentation and reputation as a bona fide Combat Mission club. The clutter in our lists overwhelms anyone coming to our club for research or membership. Time to take out the garbage, ehh?
(06-18-2010, 11:07 AM)Ratzki Wrote: I kind of agree with you Bear. Might it be possoble to note scenarios that are not here at theBlitz, but at other locations?

Me thinks that too laborious a task.
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RE: Can someone delete the dead scenarios? - by Bear - 06-19-2010, 03:15 AM

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