RE: How Many CS Players Plan to Purchase Modern Wars?
I see valid points on all sides. We as a community know the history of CS/Talonsoft, and as such gladly put up with it's shortcomings merely because we love the game, but an outsider who buys the game from Matrix would expect a larger creative/programming staff than just three guys. Mind you I have a TON of respect for those three guys and hope they never get burnt out. Would be nice for everyone, though, if Matrix could give them more support.
Anyway, it's all good. Buy the new game or don't, to each his own. I may get it at some point, but for the moment I just don't have enough time for games. Kinda stinks.
Resolve then, that on this very ground, with small flags waving and tinny blasts on tiny trumpets, we shall meet the enemy, and not only may he be ours, he may be us. --Walt Kelly