Kudos to Red Victory
As someone who was eagerly awaiting Sqb entry onto the Eastern Front and then even more bitterly disappointed with scope and stock scenarios of Advance of the Reich.
I would have to say the long wait for Red Victory has well been worth it.
Even after playing just a handful of scenarios this game has all hallmarks of being a classic.
Type of weapons, the advances in Sqb game mechanics and scope of the battles with a long list of scenarios, a couple of which have already provided fantastic challenging entertainment makes this a great addition to the Sqb stable
Well done to all designers, playtesters and others involved in its creation.
Pity my old Jarhead mate and TFE4 commander Cranky Frank still isnt active.
Would have loved to have seen what he could have done with this game.
Though who knows like the KGB no one ever truly leaves the TFE4
244 games with legend that is Richie61