I am not good with numbers too. But you can make historical comparisons. What is the chance of a PzIIIE against a KV1? Probably very slim even with a flank shot. Wehrmacht developed long barreled models which have at least 80-100 penetration values to be able to destroy monsters such as KV1. It could be just me but thinking about numbers too much seems to get the most of the fun of a wargame. Instead I prefer focusing on the historical knowledge and the tactics that really work on the field. That may take some time though.
(09-24-2010, 12:03 PM)GerryM Wrote: Hello:
Problem is I don't understand the numbers. Is it as simple as you need a Penetration value greater than the Armor value to have a chance to kill the AFV from the side?
I would have the same problem looking at "Heavy Tanks at Rossienie" where the PzKw III E only have a Penetration of 40 and the KV-1s have an Armor rating of 70.