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Can someone delete/update the dead scenarios?
10-11-2010, 04:32 PM, (This post was last modified: 10-11-2010, 05:51 PM by Bear.)
RE: Can someone delete/update the dead scenarios?
(10-11-2010, 03:14 PM)Dog Soldier Wrote:
(10-09-2010, 09:30 AM)Bear Wrote: Authors of scenarios that show not available for "Download"
should goto their scenario and modify it completely.
Make sure it's in a winzip as well.
Leave no prompt or slot unanswered.

Bear is incorrect.
Actually it is the policy of the blitz for the author to control the choice to host or not host their scenarios here at the blitz. Some choose to simply place a link to another site where they maintain their work. The authors of scenarios are free to choose what works best for them.

Dog Soldier
(10-09-2010, 12:59 PM)Mad Russian Wrote: When making updates to my scenarios here on the site I ran across an interesting situation. For the scenario HSG B The Sharp End (CMAK) I found this comment attached to the scenario page.

David Galster wrote:

On 8-15-2010 I modified the scenario to reduce German forces and make it more balanced. The II./60 PzGr Battalion moved east of La Roche and II./156 PzGr Battalion removed entirely.
Thanks, David Galster

I wasn't aware that scenarios were changed here at the Blitz for ladder play.

Now, Mr. Galster doesn't say if he released my scenario, with his changes, or not. Since, I never received any correspondence from him about it, I would hope he didn't.

Good Hunting.


It is expected that no one will modify and replace a scenario made by someone else without the original author's permission.

In this case if Mr Galster did make a change to MR's scenario and replace the original one here without MR's permission, MR can remove the file and replace it his original work or a recent update of the same. Naturally, if the existing file is an improvement you can live with, MR, then just leave it be. In all cases the original author has the final say and control of their work.

Dog Soldier
"Bear is incorrect.
Actually it is the policy of the blitz for the author to control the choice to host or not host their scenarios here at the blitz. Some choose to simply place a link to another site where they maintain their work. The authors of scenarios are free to choose what works best for them."

With all due respect. I initiated the analysis and damage control for this issue back in June 2010. The issue was the enormous number of CM scenarios that are lost, no download, can't find author and there's no frakin links either. This policy, Dog Soldier repeats, is part of the overall problem here at the Blitz. Our CM lists are filled with corrupted scenario files. How does Dog Soldier propose remedying this issue when the file is at another site? The integrity and functionality of our Database is then at the mercy of that other site working or even existing. If they, the source file is gone then we here at the Blitz are stuffed with more "Dead Scenarios". Like I said before, our club should not be a host to all these "parasites" using our club. If we don't take responsibility and control of our database, the world will control it for us.

The Author is the owner of said scenario, eh. The author has the prerogative to update and modify his scenario. But we are here talking about scenarios that are "Dead on the vine". There is no link, the author cannot be found and it sits on our Scenario Ladder List as "Dead Scenario".
Unavailable for download. I have spent all too many hours searching the authors, as per my direction by Der Kuenstler on this very thread. To conclude, if the scenario is dead, the author has not only the right but also a responsibility for his own work. This club and the database is not a depository for useless lines of bytes that serves no one. This was all discussed at the top of this thread. Either it works or else we should put it into an archive so members Ladder history/records will not be tainted by deletion of said, "Dead Scenarios".
Please read this thread from the top. See where I've done the survey long ago to help to clean up this growing issue. And no one has the right to hijack someone's work/scenario from another site, it's not ethical. I know because years ago I posted Campaign scenarios at Depot, voila! I found them here. And somewhere in Germany, my CM scenarios here at the Blitz are posted at a German site by "The German War Gamer".
We have to simply archive these good for nothing scenarios, which aren't scenarios at all, they're just empty listings of scenarios lost or corrupted. These incomplete/corrupt listed scenarios also impacts the scenario search engine, it doesn't work!
It's for the good of our club's integrity and having a properly working list and reputation.
(10-09-2010, 12:59 PM)Mad Russian Wrote: When making updates to my scenarios here on the site I ran across an interesting situation. For the scenario HSG B The Sharp End (CMAK) I found this comment attached to the scenario page.

David Galster wrote:

On 8-15-2010 I modified the scenario to reduce German forces and make it more balanced. The II./60 PzGr Battalion moved east of La Roche and II./156 PzGr Battalion removed entirely.
Thanks, David Galster

I wasn't aware that scenarios were changed here at the Blitz for ladder play.

Now, Mr. Galster doesn't say if he released my scenario, with his changes, or not. Since, I never received any correspondence from him about it, I would hope he didn't.

Good Hunting.


What Galster did is outrageous!
Who does he think he is?
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RE: Can someone delete/update the dead scenarios? - by Bear - 10-11-2010, 04:32 PM

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