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Can someone delete/update the dead scenarios?
10-12-2010, 12:57 PM, (This post was last modified: 10-12-2010, 01:10 PM by Mad Russian.)
RE: Can someone delete/update the dead scenarios?
Hold on guys.

I uploaded the file. I have no idea if it was modified or not. I was asking to see what the Blitz policy was. I was pretty sure but it's been a good while since I posted here on a regular basis. I know of some scenarios that were changed, not necessarily on this site, with the designers approval. I've given my own approval to do that on occasion. It's not so much an 'outrageous thing', Bear, as a respect thing. How would you feel if I took your latest scenario, changed the Soviet OOB, put it back on here without telling you. Then when the reviews start coming in, about how unbalanced it is, I'm not as good a designer as you are so I'm sure I would unbalance it, then you would get to defend your work.....that's not your work any longer.

While I was looking through the forums trying to catch up I found this thread by Bear. I though it was a good idea. In my own case, things had changed since my scenarios were listed.

What Bear is trying to do, clean up the archive, is a good idea. Reworking another designers scenario really isn't. It's not allowed on any sites I know of.

Quote:Like I said before, our club should not be a host to all these "parasites" using our club. If we don't take responsibility and control of our database, the world will control it for us.

What's interesting about the Blitz archive is anybody can make any changes they want to. I could go in and change every scenario in your archive and take out all the downloads. Those scenarios can come from anywhere. I was surprised when I first found my own scenarios here by accident one afternoon. Some of them were here from The Proving Grounds. A site for playtesting, not balanced released scenarios. So Bear, not every scenario you have on this site may be even known, to the author, that it's here. That makes his/her 'responsibility' to keep it updated a bit tough. I would venture to say that of the scenarios on this site that were not 'made' here, and playtested here on the Blitz, very few were posted here by the designers. They were posted here by Blitz members. This isn't a parasite issue but one of gamers trying to get as much information as possible. When I found my scenarios here a few years ago, I had no idea they were here. Some of the ones listed I don't even have files for any longer.

That's pretty wide open. I understand your desire to make the archive as fully functional as possible. As Bear pointed out, there are issues with the archive. Several of my scenarios were in need of cleaning up.

At this point, where I don't update them any longer, I have no issue with them being here. In fact, the ladders are what gave the designers an audience in the first place.

I find it refreshing that the Blitz has more than one avenue to get to a communities body of scenarios. I appreciate all the games played with my scenarios and all the comments made.

I also believe that, David Galster was trying to do a service by fixing my obviously flawed scenario. He didn't hide the fact that he'd made changes to it. That kind of enthusiasm is great from my point of view. I would just like that one extra step of letting me know about it.

Good Hunting.

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RE: Can someone delete/update the dead scenarios? - by Mad Russian - 10-12-2010, 12:57 PM

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