RE: Flashing Sword of Retribution
After a time in wich we had real life issues, I am very glad Ivan and I resumed this chalenging battle.
It seems a renewed agressive spirit is guiding the Russian troops.
The enemy is attempting a new assault on the lines just three Kilometers of Belgorod, but for the time no move westwards is detected.
In Volchansk a very heavy assault is taking place, with Das Reich performing a fighting withdrawal in north of the city, which is defended by Grossdeutschland and the remnants of two German Infantry Divisions. Although the Soviet artillery is strong and their infantry very numerous, I hope the excellent quality of the defenders will stem the tide.
In the extreme south, the three Panzer Divisions, supported by Corps artillery are raging a fierce battle to reduce and hopefully eliminate the Russian penetration to the south and the east.
But between this battles, there is a long line of more than 100 Kms where nothing is happening. Are the Russians concentrating all their forces to take Belgorod and Volchansk? Or will they try to infiltrate the line and cut off the defenders at a given point?
To the date, German patrols are returning without reports...