RE: Note: a scenario in testing overwrites an existing one!
You can alter the .map and .org files as you wish.....the scn file will respond to these. You can save the scen as some other name and change it. What you can't do is change the names of the .map and .org files.
And don't fall into the trap I did. A very large Western Desert desert scen in my action box. Map done, Org, well into putting all the little tanks and guns and troops, mines, trenches, blocks etc into position. Found I had more map than I really needed. So I worked out the sums much to shift,how much to resize. Done . Save, open up scen file...... YAAAAAAAAH!!!!! all the symbols stay fixed to the screen, the map has moved away in two axes underneath them.
Don't believe any history that says Rommel never reached Cairo!!