explicit supply check this article out for some background info, the main thing to remember is that the supply units have a max range to how far they can supply a unit and if a truck/mule supply unit is in T mode it will not provide supply, this is useful when you want some control over how your supply being used up.
You know when a scenario allows explicit supply as the filename contains an "s" after the scenario number, for example 0709_08
s: Two Crucial Days at DIME Beach (H2H), i see you have played this scenario so if you set it up and select explicit supply you will see supply dumps/trucks and mule units! ;)
Air Unit Availability
After being used in an air strike, air units must become available before they can be used in another air strike. The time required for an air unit to become available is variable and depends on Parameter Data (see the Parameter Data Dialog in the Main Program). In addition, if the AA fire associated with the air strike caused the air unit to become Disrupted or Broken, then this represents partial damage to the air unit associated with the strike and this must be recovered from before the air unit becomes available again. Normal Fatigue accumulation and recovery effects apply to air units and although these do not affect the availability of the air unit, they do affect the effectiveness of the air strike.
Example: with an Air Availability value of 20%, an air unit that has carried out a mission will have a 20% chance of being available on the next turn. If it were to fail the availability check, it remains unavailable and rechecks for availablity at the start of each turn until it returns to available status. With a 20% Air Availability value you might expect an air unit to be available on average for 2 air missions per day (assuming 1 day = 10 turns), not counting other combat effects like Disruption and Broken.
The availability of an air unit can also be affected by specific changes to availability as part of the scenario. The Units Menu in the Main Program and Scenario Editor display the changes in air availability that have been defined and allow these changes to be edited.
Low Visibility Air Effects
This is an Optional Rule that causes conditions of low visibility to result in reductions in air unit availability. The exact reductions are determined by parameter data. See the Parameter Data Dialog to determine the exact values that apply to a given scenario.
Unavailable artillery
When a unit fires during a turn, there is a chance that it will either run Low on Ammo or, in the case of artillery units, become Unavailable in the next turn for that side.
Hope that covers everything. :)