RE: Some problem with snapshot...
Print screen works fine... and while I see the point Philippe is trying to get at - it is redundant. It also has been in a lot of titles for a lot of years, so the programming question that actually comes into play is one of removing programming instead of adding it.
Rick is right, as Snapshot is actually easier if you just want what is on your screen -as you hit the command line, and it asks you what you want to name your bmp file and where you want to save it - without the need to open up another program like MS Paint.
However, since the Snapshot function isn't in all of the games, I got used to doing it all the manual 'Print Screen' button -then "MS Paint" then 'save as' (bmp) mode -so when this first came up, it didn't strike me as an issue until I tried the command.
It should be stated, that this situation is found in patches for titles published by HPS as well (the ones that have come out since Dec 2010) -so it seems tied to the engine changes.
Emailed Rich on it, per his request, although haven't gotten around to trying it out on my laptop running XP.