Thus the LSSAH Panzer Regiment will be at full strength by the time you say it is released. Eleven days starting at about 50% for its components and a 3% replacement rate. I am still curious. You did not answer my earlier question about this unit's status. How many panzers had the unit already recovered by the end of day 5 when this game ended?
Das Reich panzer "regiment" as you say appears to still be in the fight on day four (AAR thread post #30) which is where the AAR is at this point. The second image in the
Center Front section appears to be the PzIV unit. Did it "die" on the yet to be posted day 5?
Arkan Wrote:The road to Kharkov is totally open in the south-east and in the south. i was moving to the river crossings here our only reserve in the area, the Kharkov sicherung division...
So there were no longer any units behind the bridges on the main road to Kharkov that appear to clearly be retreating in the AAR post #30; the fourth image of the
Center Front section? Where did these units go?
Jon shows a good image of the Russian 40th Army up north in his AAR on post #30. However, the four Russian rifle divisions appear in the image to be deployed across a 40 km front. They are only moving one or two hexes per turn depending on your team's delaying action. They are 20 - 25 Km from Belgorod, if that is where they were heading for the VP location. The only main road is 15 - 20 km south of their positions as reported by Jon in the day four AAR. That is at least a two to three day march for those divisions as long as they can not use the main road.
Belgorod may fall by day seven. It is at least another 40 - 45 KM to threaten Kharkov from the north. Not a big worry at this point IMHO with all that space to work with.
It appears you are in a pretty good position. Maybe Strela will be visiting this thread to comment on how this game progressed versus his design expectations.
Dog Soldier
Fast is fine, but accuracy is everything.
- Wyatt Earp