(09-05-2011, 01:14 AM)Ricky B Wrote: Well, it sounds like my background is only valid for Minsk - no idea why some are set off and some or most on. I can see the change really skewing Smolensk or Kharkov '42 is the new qualify fire mod is turned on in those, while for Minsk and Stalingrad I see it being a good fit.
And as raizer pointed out, the QFM optional rule is related to fatigue implementation related to quality.
Ricky I think you are spot on for the firing mod being good in minsk and stalingrad and especially Normandy...NOT in kharkov 42 and I would not want to see it in kursk.
In KH43 it is a brutal mod. Germans can rake thru entire stacks of soviets with that firing modifier. Trenches are nullified. Lone units hit by A stacks with that 20% bonus will be turned red real quick.
Time will tell on this one. My partner hoff and I only made it to turn 49 of the Grand KH campaign as the russians. We are germans in the other game and enjoying the firing modifier immensely...too much so I feel