RE: Some questions about France '40
Well, since I've played only small scenarios so far I generally avoid firing at Germans on my turn, because the loss of time that I can cause on him is far more valuable than the insignificant attrition. Besides, I'm a sensitive man, and I hate seeing my soldiers cut to ribbons"
You are probably right in the short scenarios. In the larger ones I think you need to shoot back especially at the German panzers that are very thin skinned; even the Pz IIIs. My problems with this game come from wanting to play the variable strategic option scenario which is really interesting but however comes with the drawback of having many French units with the defense of 12 and even the best ones at 14; and they just get chewed up. I'd have to say that if I ever play F 40 in the future I'd play a vmod because all the Allied units have a defense of 16 and so you have a better chance. jonny ;)