leaders under fire :)
I wonder if anyone had a similar feeling that the way the direct fire on solitary leader (i.e. no other unit present in the hex) is a bit in favour of the leaders.
My understanding is that a solitary leader subjected to deirect fire has 5% chance of being eliminated, i.e. the same when occupying the hex with another unit under fire but then it cannot be targeted explicitly. Please correct me if I am wrong. But as I understand a stand alone leader cannot be forced to retreat with direct fire - only eliminated with 5% chance of success.
This led to numoerous frustrations of trying to get rid of enemy leader (after eliminating unit sharing the hex) in order to prohibit the opponnent retaining LOS for the next turn... It is not much of an issue if assault on the leader is possible/feasible. But it is frustrating still having a leader watching over my units after anything from infatry to tanks hitting at it. Anyone experienced such a frustrations?
I would think there should be a chance of retreating the leader with direct fire (on top of possiblity of elimination)- well unless there is and I was so unlucky in all my games never to do it.
Or maybe it is just me again :)