RE: WW2 Waffen SS German reviews Private Ryan
It would be very easy to throw in the Nazi Card reading this especially when the writer is a former SS member, wouldn´t it? =)
But seriously speaking the man has a point. He makes (IMO undeniable) remarks about the SPR and that Spielbergs religious background has something to do with it. I cannot see hate in what he says, yet I don´t know if mr. Schmidts opinions are accurate compared e.g. Spielbergs underlinings about the number of Jewish gravestones at Omaha beach graveyard.
SPR looks great and is realistic for the most part (of course I have not been at the front myself to know for sure), but tends depict the Germans amateurish which many allied D-Day veterans would say to be untrue I´m sure...
If I had to pick a kind of "hollywood war movie" that I like my choice would be Eastwoods Letters from Iwo Jima.