RE: WW2 Waffen SS German reviews Private Ryan
Aw, yes, yet another smartass frontline old hand "defending what we were fighting for " and retelling and at the same time reinterpreting the history, albeit in a bit offside and off-topic way.
Firstly, the SS was an all-volunteer formation and even given the situation and the historic and sociological circumstances that makes him a nazi. It does not diminish the fact he had seen certain things himself and is able to comment on that in terms of his experience. Of course , he was "only folowing the others / orders ( deliberately ) and answering the nation's call ... " Perhaps some of You would like to listen some more of the story however I think them, the nazi, had the chance to make their point already and no doubt produced many more not only Jewish graves, but without any headstones. Is that what he is up to?Is that the difference?
Yes, the chivalrous and courteous SS-men, the avantgarde of military professionalism and the spearhead of the white man aryan civilisation. On reading Cornelious Ryan's "A Bridge too Far" I was displeased with the faint admiration for the SS medical officer one Egon Skalka who treated the British paras humanely and even managed to talk both sides into a ceasfire to evacuate the wounded.Pity they didn't have him at Malmedy,eh?And in Kiev at Babi Jar when the Ubermensch entered and started their reign.
Sure they were so "humane" in the latter stages of the war and towards the enemy armed forces POWs. They knew well already what was in the offing.I read that once they even saved one Red Army trooper who was carrying a newborn baby at Kharkov back in late winter '42/'43. Very moving - too bad they killed many more of both.And they were always so sacrificial in the heroic struggle against unarmed civilians.What other armed forces had an entire brigade comprising of the worst kind criminals straight from the prison cells?Have You heard about the infamous Dirlewangers?Shall we listen to those vets, too? On how to slaughter civvies in Poland, Slovakia, Ukraine and Belorussia and perish on the first contact with the Red Army regulars?
Finally, I know that some of You folks are going to comment that we should focus on the proffessional side and stop judging and leave the moral stuff aside. Some of people admire the SS scum so much that it makes me sick.We all are human being first and last above all. The nazi had they say and the results were clearly seen. It's been over seventy years now. Can't they just shut the f**k up at last including Mr. Grass who, frankly speaking, seems to be quite right with regard to the Israeli treatment of Palestine?Yet another Waff(Fuckk)en SS vet. And his fellow countryman buddy the ex-HJ pope from Vatican? Maybe if there's nobody listening anymore to that venomous blabbering? ...
Pardon my brute language if any and not the outlook.