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Arctic Front: Delaying Action At Ylimaa
05-14-2012, 08:30 PM, (This post was last modified: 03-22-2014, 07:45 PM by Crossroads.)
a_Arrow  Arctic Front: Delaying Action At Ylimaa
The version included in the EF:FB download archive is now obsolete


Link: https://www.theblitz.club/scenarios/Camp...8&ladder=2

This time an actual Lapland War scenario! And it needs to begin with letter "D"!

Either (edit: I chose this one) Delaying action at Ylimaa isthmus, to buy time to evacuate supply depots before the advancing Finnish army. Protagonists: Elements of German Mountain Jäeger Regiment 218 holding off elements of Finnish Jäeger Brigade, which at the time consisted no more of veterans, but mostly of fresh conscripts.

**Delaying Action at Ylimaa LWM

[Image: saksalaiset14_zpsc2f9820e.jpg]
Picture: German soldiers having a picture taken by an Arctic Circle sign

[Image: tumblr_m5h3tyC4Qe1r3fd4to1_500_zps9d29daa2.jpg]
Picture: Finnish soldiers taking a position somewhere in Lapland

[Image: 2007251_520_292.jpg]
Picture: Das War... [add a city limits sign]

[Image: Saks_sot_Lapissa_1943-teoksesta_Fahrbahn...0d5f00.jpg]
Picture: German Mountain Jäegers on a move, somewhere in Lapland

** Delaying Action at Ylimaa EF:FB

Complexity: 4
Turns: 16
Modified complexity: 4 * 16 = 64
Size modifier: 2

First side: Allied

Visibility: 5
Ground: Normal

Allied Air 2; Ammo 75; Smoke 8
Axis Air 2; Ammo 70; Smoke 2
AI Allied 75; Axis 35

Major Loss 0; Minor Loss 150; Minor Win 350; Major Win 500
14 October 1944

[October 7, 1944, Lapland, 50 km SW from Rovaniemi, Finland.] [H2H HIS BZ] [ALL: N VV OPT: AF EA)]

For Germans, Lapland War was about execution of Operation Birke plan to the letter: evacuating the vast amounts of fuel and supplies the Reich could ill afford to lose, from Finland to Norway, with the scarce motor transportation and even scarcer fuel supplies available to 20th Mountain Army.

For Finns, Lapland War was about clearing the Northern Finland from their new enemy, in a manner of advancing carefully among the very scarce road network, now devilishly mined with bridges blown. When in touch with the well entrenched German rearguard, the only option available was to sent the infantry on foot to flank the well dug-in defenders, often for 10-15 miles in difficult wilderness. Only to witness the Germans hopping into their trucks, blowing another set of bridgesm, then retreating another 20 miles further to north.

Ylimaa isthmus was one of the well trenched areas where Germans prepared to stop the enemy for a longer period of time. Colonel Kühler of 218th Mtn Jgr Rgt was fuming, however. Well aware the Finns would not try to force their way through his defences but would flank him with strong forces instead, he had repeatedly asked for but time again strictly refused to deviate from the written plans of defence. Worse still, Kühler was just informed his liaison officer had got lost and been captured by Finns with full details of the German defence plan in his person.

Victory conditions: German player receives points for holding the key areas of his defence lines and, possibly, protecting his supply depots with possibly exiting them off the map towards Rovaniemi with 'the few transports available', ie. as and when they become unfixed (15% chance, Depot 1 as of turn 1, Depot 2 as of turn 2, etc).

Scenario picture: Finnish soldiers clearing mines some where in Lapland, Late 1944

[** Requires players to install East Front: Forgotten Battles Mod version 1.3 or newer **]
[Scandinavian Terrain sub mod recommended to be enabled when playing this scenario.]

[Image: file.php?id=263964&t=1]
German map, documenting the action at and around Ylimaa

or (edit: maybe later)

** Das War... Muonio LWM

"That was... Muonio" - a Muonio city limits sign welcoming the advancing Finns, with an added prefix "Das War..."; German gallows humour as they resorted to scorched earth tactics, burning anything even remotely usable for military as the winter was coming. Muonio: another town swallowed in flames, another delaying battle, Germans hard pressed to buy time to evacuate their valuable depots according to guidelines of their Operation Birke.

While the former would make perhaps a more interesting battle, the latter has a way cooler scenario name Idea2

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Arctic Front: Delaying Action At Ylimaa - by Crossroads - 05-14-2012, 08:30 PM

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