The US at East Front - What would you like to see?
I thought I'd test the migration of the US OOB to East Front with a fun test scenario, taking a late-war EF scenario and replacing the German forces with a US side of an OOB of a late-war WF scenario.
I was thinking something in the line of Crisis in the Oder or Giants in the Vistula for the map and Soviet OOB, with the US OOB from the Still Full Of Fight?
First I'd convert the Russian OOB (Allied) into a Soviet OOB (Axis).
I'd then adjust the US forces to the level the Germans units were present in either of the scenario.
With Giants in the Vistula for an example, it could be a really fun what-if scenario with a strong US arm'd contingent liberating parts of Poland from Stalin's foes? Fun to play, and would provide an idea that the US OOB indeed should be available for EF action.
There's a ton of scenarios I haven't played though.
What do you think? What would you like to see?