RE: Opponent for Waterloo 007
Use your oob file for sure, but use the stock image files. Now for the pdt file make one of your own, they can have unique names, but for the dat file ... if you have to add weapons then add them but keep all the original dat information the same that way when someone plays a stock scenario all will appear normal, and when they play yours they will see any new weapons you feel was needed, and with your pdt file they will get the feel you're looking for.
I like the Prussian treffe set up. Nice feel and very historical. For the British bns, instead of labelling G-4 and 5-V I would recommend Right Wing and Left Wing that was the historical nomenclature found in the histories and the manuals. Fortunately for the French in this campaign thier bns are small enough to remain the same. The Glory Years French are somewhat problematical, as I've not seen refences of them breaking bns into wings (ala British) or massen (ala Austrians).
Al Amos Start with God - the first step in learning is bowing down to God; only fools thumb their noses at such wisdom and learning. - Proverbs 1:7 The Message