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King Tiger Range vs. Hard Targets
07-05-2012, 09:50 PM, (This post was last modified: 07-05-2012, 10:31 PM by Dan Caviness.)
King Tiger Range vs. Hard Targets
Hello Fellow Blitznardians:

Some time ago we corrected a range issue with the Tiger tank that had it's 88mm (8.8 cm KwK 36 L/56) limited to a 12 hex range vs. hard targets.

Mercifully, dare I say blessedly, we didn't argue over the practicality or actual usage of such shots, it was corrected to be "rational" and concurrent with other late war Axis 88mm tank equiped variants that had longer ranges vs. hard targets. I.E., the Nashorns, Elefants, Jag VI's, and even the PAK 43 AT variant, all of which basically used the same gun.

Recently, playing Borisov in a team game, I've had the pleasure of wielding a few King Tigers and their hard target range is also shorter than it should be with the same 12 hex limit. (We are getting disemboweled by peiper and tiger88 but that's neither here nor there.) (Must one be emboweled prior to disembowelment?)
It does bring to mind some notable late war examples of Tigers and King Tigers making remarkable last stands against massed Russian armor such as Seelow Heights where those long shots were taken to deadly effect.

I believe Jason took care of the Tiger revision with his usual quiet grace and dignity and I humbly request the same be done for the King Tigers even more powerful (8.8 cm KwK 43 L/71) round and longer (6.24 meter vs. 4.94 meter) barrel.

In addition the King Tiger's higher muzzle velocity and operating pressure required the abandonment of the traditional Teutonic monobloc barrel with a two piece designed to handle the wider driving bands which coupled the increased loads better. In practicality this was an aid to barrel replacement rather than to velocity, but it meant Tiger II barrels were tighter, generating higher muzzle pressure.

Some may find it of note to consider the L/56 would penetrate 83mm of case hardened plate at 2000 meter whilst the L/71 was capable of piercing 132mm at that range. Of course these ballistic test plates were typically angled at 30 degrees and substantially greater thicknesses could be center punched depending on angle.
Some may not.

I would also consider the advantages of a ballistically capped penetrator round vs. the older tungsten cored version but some would accuse me of obsession.
Rightly so of course, but I'm trying to quit and am no longer in denial.

Factor in coriolis force effects from the Earth's rotation and I'd also like to see shots taken to the east (pro-spin) more effective than those to the west (anti-spin)... but... some well meant physicist would call me on the centripital effects based on latitude...possibly with scientifical attitude...


Your Bombastic Ballisticist
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King Tiger Range vs. Hard Targets - by Dan Caviness - 07-05-2012, 09:50 PM

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