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King Tiger Range vs. Hard Targets
07-06-2012, 04:42 PM, (This post was last modified: 07-06-2012, 07:58 PM by Crossroads.)
RE: King Tiger Range vs. Hard Targets
The eastern most point of my home town is called Westend...

I've always loved the passionate discussion on units within this particular scale especially... Helmet Smile

The discussion of whether a certain value should be "8" or "10" or how about "7", keeping in mind the late war lack of tungsten, while including the magnetic field variations the Aurora Borealis have in the northern theatres of war (which by the way Dan forgot to mention in his otherwise excellent OP)...

As for the excellent German 75mm gun: I recall PzKpfw IV F has a L43 and it has a range of 10. I really do not understand why the excellent L/48 also available to StuG III Gs is given such a handicap.

The StuG IIIG's performed magnificently in Finnish front, of course "enjoying" an advantage of mostly having been deployed in defensive, stalking duties with terrain providing good cover. Most of the kills were made in the range of 30 - 150 meters (!), so from that aspect the range discussion on my behalf is more of an academic nature.

Such was the trust on the weapon type, that given the scarce resources available to them the Finnish weapons engineers worked hard on joining the two excellent platforms: the mobility and reliability of T-34 chassis with the capability of L/48. (Or more likely I assume: with L/46 of PaK40 that were available in good numbers). The plans did not bear fruit at the end of day, what a shame, that would have been an interesting addition to EF unit types: A T-34/L48 + optics! What a beast that would have been!

Maybe I should provide a few for some What-If purposes... TEEHEE
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RE: King Tiger Range vs. Hard Targets - by Crossroads - 07-06-2012, 04:42 PM

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