RE: Moscow '42 Team Game
Liebchen: the Soviets don't have a truly enormous amount of units when you split them between a few players. Kalinin Front, for example, starts out small. It gets nearly 11 division equivalents as reinforcements (excluding units arriving north of Kimry), but it's small initially. Due to the multitude of independent battalions and larger divisions, the Germans have substantially more units here.
In my opinion, delayed disruption reporting is, at least initially, more of a German than a Soviet handicap, as the Soviets will have to "Urra!" their way (south)westwards in general through massed assaults. For the Germans, whether Soviet units/stacks are disrupted are not is crucial information, however.
The campaign is going to be a slow and methodical affair. This is no Bagration, which might also make it more rookie friendly than you might think on first glance, at least for the Soviets. A situation like what happened in one of the Kharkov 1943 games AAR'ed here, where the Soviets lose numerous divisions in a matter of days, is extremely unlikely.
In terms of campaigns, the January 6th campaign might case some problems because the attrition rates through artillery might be higher than in the full campaign due to the artillery units being near full strength in many cases, whilst the Germans have fewer men per unit and are in worse terrain.
The full campaign might be substantially longer, but it seems to have a natural flow, with both sides having the chance to do better than their historical counterparts.