F'14 Suggested Improvements
I would like to suggest the following improvements to an already stellar game:
1. Make it possible to when using the "N" hotkey (next unit) to open a saved game with a move partially completed and start with the last unit "N-ed". In large games, if you resume a turn already partially completed, you must begin "N-ing" with the northwesternmost unit. It can be time consuming to "catch up" to where unmoved units are located without this capability (as currently designed).
2. Historically, higher level HQs (Army & Corps) almost always set up operations in cities and towns, rarely in villages and almost never in the open. This enabled them to operate more effectively. Better telecommunications and road nets expedited order transmission. To reflect this, why not modify the range and/or out of command probability for HQs in cities, towns, villages, and in the open? This would also make possession of built up areas more beneficial. I'll leave it to those more qualified than me to determine the actual formulae.
3. Entraining and Detraining troops and their equipment was much easier when done in a city, town, or village where proper facilities were located. Why not penalize (or prohibit) Entraining and Detraining when in the open?
I think these improvements would make the game easier to play (#1) and more reflective of the reality of war (# 2 & 3).