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An idea for a new class of units - medical unit types
02-03-2013, 08:58 PM,
RE: An idea for a new class of units - medical unit types
OK John G,

First: You have functions in the game now to help moral like leaders, commissars, terrain and to an extent EA. Does the addition of medics improve on that game function? Personally I think not. Sure they would give another avenue to boost moral but their inclusion could and probably would affect game out come which leads to my next comment...

Second: If you have medics, ambulances and hospitals with negative point values they can be used by an opponent to block certain routes for victory. I've played some scenarios where in the last few turns I have struggled to get a draw and I mean struggled. With the addition of these units I feel they could and might adversly affect the outcome of a scenario.

Finally, my post was an attempt to deflect attention from the addition of more units to instead improving the game engine. If we improve the game engine IMO we all gain a thousand fold. For me that's more important than the addition of any new unit. We have limited programming resources available to work on JTCS. They should be focused on game engine improvements instead of new units is my thought.

Thanks for hearing me out my good man!

Ivan the Big (John)Cigar5

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RE: An idea for a new class of units - medical unit types - by Big Ivan - 02-03-2013, 08:58 PM

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