RE: Medics in Cold War - questions
Well, the structure seems very good for me. I told John that in my platoon files the medics, especially the transport units were not very lucky created. I will revise them now.
Would you really change the VP values from negative to zero? Maybe i gave them to much points!?, but i would further vote for the negative.
For CWE i would prefer to see this units, further with the negative VP´s:
-1 for Sanitäter/medics,
-2 for Aerzte/doctors
-3 for Stabsaertze/staff doctors
-1 for Feldlazarett/ADS
-2 for Feldhospital/FH
-3 for Krankenhaus/Hospital
-1 for Krankenwagen/Ambulance
Any other suggestions?
I create and revise: Order of Battles, Table of Equipments, Weapon Values for Modern Wars (in work: DG Lebanon War 1982 - 1985, DG Falklands War and again CWE!)