RE: Locking Zones of Control: Do you use them?
So? The I./81 regiment is defending acrossed a river from the Red Army. In game terms they would be split into companies to cover this wide a sector. The 263 Jaeger division is on the immediate right. They are certainly not dominating a 9 sq km sector. If the Soviets had them surrounded this battalion couldn't be issued speeding tickets for escaping through Soviet zone's of control.
You said a battalion could control a front and depth of 3km. That is not true. I'm not your student on military theory and don't need a lesson in the size of infantry formation frontages. There is no logical reason for ZOCs beyond the slowing and care which a commander must maneuver acrossed an enemies flank. Logically if there is a kilometer of ground open between two enemy formations, armor should be able to move into and through this gap within 2 hours and still be able to fire into the enemies flank.