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Moscow '42 balance opinions thus far?
04-16-2013, 06:14 AM,
RE: Moscow '42 balance opinions thus far?
FWIW, I would test ComradeP's assumptions in a PBEM game where I would play the Russians. He can then demonstrate if the Germans can hold a front with foot infantry formations alone.

What was proposed by ComradeP is a complete withdrawal of the German mobile forces at the beginning of the Campaign game. While it is possible to do this with a small portion of the mobile forces, wholesale removal from the front for R&R deep beyond the lines of fighting will result in one of two outcome in my experience.

1. The majority of Axis infantry left to fend for themselves will be destroyed.

2. The mobile forces could be pursued and harassed before complete refit to the strength levels ComradeP suggests.

Both might even be possible to some extent. However the destruction of the foot infantry formations will leave the returning mobile forces with no flank protection. This might be the best counter measure for the Soviet player. I do not agree with ComradeP that a Russian player will not notice the absence of the mobile forces from the front and adjust accordingly to the situation. To assume the Russian player would simply plod forward while the Axis player executes this type of strategy unmolested,would be a grave underestimation of the competence of many members here. One would not need to post this strategy on the forums. Competent play would quickly realize the missing mobile force and recon would quickly confirm the situation. While this action is taken to ascertain the absence of German mobile forces, the roundup of the infantry would be well under way.

A further issue would be the time it would take for the Axis mobile divisions to make their long retreat. During this movement, No rest and refit would occur. The roads to the rear would be littered with breakdowns of the panzers further weakening them.

A partial removal of the Axis mobile forces for refit at the outset of the game could be achieved. I do not think the cost of a full removal of all mobile forces as ComradeP suggests is insignificant as he assumes.

(04-16-2013, 03:47 AM)Liquid_Sky Wrote: I notice that recovery is set to zero, and that (the units I looked at) all have a 1% replacement value. Which means they will recover replacements at a fixed rate, regardless of how 'beat up' the unit is. Doesn't this mean that the units recover replacements faster then if you set replacements to 0% and recovery to 1%? Since recovery is the percentage of actual damage to the unit?

Your analysis is missing the element of supply in replacements. That is why replacements are used in M42 instead of recovery.

When a unit has a Local Supply value of
x, then the replacement rate is scaled according to the following:
• When x < 20, the replacement rate is 0.
• When 20 <= x <= 50, the replacement rate is scaled by (x – 20) / 30.

Disrupted units do not receive replacements. Detached units receive only 1/4 the allowed calculation. There will be some detached units as the German forces are pushed to hold a line.

ComradeP is correct in assuming the Germans have to retreat very far to get above a VST supply value of 50% for his formations to maximize the replacement rate of 1%.

I agree your numbers are a bit silly for the first day. I seriously doubt the Germans will be able to rest even 20% of their forces during any one turn. That would be a an average over the long term where some turns would be higher (night turns) and other much lower (day turns). And to let them sit for a whole day, would not be likely.
Actual results on these assumptions are more likely to be:

Gain: 6800 men, 89 guns, 32 afvs, 32 planes.

And that is across how many units? I have not counted them. Even the full amount in your post is spread pretty thin.

I think that it safe to say German losses would be higher than the replacements. Especially if the mobile forces abandon the foot infantry at the outset.

Even the GD regiment units around Tula can have a bad day. One was vaporized in the assault below in a recent game I am involved in. Foot infantry would fair no better. Just take two or three more assaults to finish them.
[Image: c43ae741f0Scratch%20one%20Pzgr%20unit%20from%20GD%20rgmnt.jpg]

Dog Soldier
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RE: Moscow '42 balance opinions thus far? - by Dog Soldier - 04-16-2013, 06:14 AM

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