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Arctic Front: Delaying Action At Ylimaa
05-12-2013, 08:49 PM,
RE: New scenario: ** Delaying Action At Ylimaa LWM
** Delaying Action at Ylimaa Scenario Feedback.

So, how was Lapland? Enjoyed the snow?

In short yes a fun game that was tough fought, and mostly enjoyable to play but I think it does need some work to balance it.

Marshes, forests, rivers, a scarce road network. Historically this would have required muddy conditions, but since the first snow had just landed I thougth this would be more fun.

Map was nicely laid out and a good representation of the ground the battle was fought on. The addition of the snow was the Finnish forces only real assets as they could use their skis for faster movement over the terrain so a good call adding that as mud would have stopped them before the battle started. The map could be a little larger to give the Finns more options on attack vectors.

Germans had second rate armour in Lapland, which is displayed here.
Typical German OOB otherwise, no surprises I guess.

For Finns, I rather enjoyed the late war infantry units on skis together with the few T-34s that move really fast too.

At this time, Finnish Army was starting their downscaling, as defined by the armistice conditions. Later parts of Lapland War were mainly fought by young, 18-19 year old conscripts, with some experienced NCOs and Officers around. Children's Crusade, as the Lapland War is also called.Any thoughts?

OOB was good and varied for both sides although I think the Finns could do with some more indirect fire assets to soften up the improved positions of the Axis. The Finns in my game were very poor shots and found it very difficult to damage the Axis even at point blank range in the open.

Tried to use the supply depots a bit differently on this one. Finns lost all the test games though, I believe. Keeping their losses down is important, but not possible here then?

What changes would you like to see.

While my Finnish forces using there speed and manoeuvrability did get to and take objectives they just couldn’t hold on to them once the Axis responded and counter attacked, also even though they could put pressure on the Axis supply depots a combination of poor shooting and bad luck meant no real damage was done to them.


Game length would be about right to get the job done without rushing if the Finnish forces could do the Job.

So, something needs to change. What?

Tweaking the quality of troops may help adding some more indirect fire for the Finns. I wouldn’t suggest nerfing the Axis much but improvements for the Finns could go a long way.

What was fun? What was not?

Yes good fun to play Jim played a tough game from both sides, I was fortunate the Axis were so strong as he could have done the deed if the forces were more balanced.

Scenario description

Good no need to do much here.

H2H Score

On scale of 0-10, how would you rate the scenario, using H2H criteria:

- Balance 4
- Enjoyment 7
- Briefings 9

A scenario is scored in three categories, Balance, Enjoyment and Briefings. The score a scenario achieves is an average of these three scores using this formula


From the above formula the 'Balance' score is by far the most important and you should take into account your own performance when making your judgement of this.

'Enjoyment' is self explanatory and 'Briefings' is the least important score. If the Briefing was full and informative you should always score it highly (8 or greater).

Overall score 5.5333333

Other comments

Feel free to add any observations for the good, bad and outright ugly of this scenario!

Nice game with a lot of promise, just needs a bit of work to knock into shape well done.
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RE: New scenario: ** Delaying Action At Ylimaa LWM - by Otto von Blotto - 05-12-2013, 08:49 PM

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