RE: Lone Pine: Under the Top! The Turks
So much for dinner and so much for controlled fire. At 1730 ANZAC artillery hit 2/47 out of the blue. So much for a quiet front. The artillery had hardly stopped and the front lines were still enveloped in a cloud of dust when the gates of hell opened up and out of the ground liked hounds from hell rose hundreds of ANZACs. With hardly a chance to respond strongpoint (18,6) on Lone Pine was overrun. Fortunately the reserves in the rear were left untouched and the Turkish support units began to move up to reinforce the front lines. The Turkish machine guns
take on the follow up troops but the troops in the trenches have no time to whittle away at the ANZACs. All the Turkish units adjacent to attacking ANZAC's open fire and inflict further losses on the ANZACs hoping to pin as many units as possible. The more units pinned the less likely more trenches will be threatened. It is better to pin them further out but the range here precludes it for the inital assault forces. My turn started with casualties of 4?/40 and ended with 6?/42. I have lost no leaders so far-with the D quality troops rallying troops quickly is crucial. Rallying troops can attract a lot of Defensive fire.