RE: Structure of .OOB files?
Hey Petri,
I'll bite!
- Unnamed organisations use $ sign instead of their name. I want to create a unit structure where Oob Editor would ask for the name of the each unit when moving it to right side. So I'd put a dollar sign for a name at each level right, from say corps to div to bde to regt to bn to coy. Why do some names have hash sign # instead?
$ asks for the number, # uses the number of org it belongs to?
Exactly, the hash sign unit gets the parent name assigned by the $.
- What are the lines about percentages about. For example some of the Finnish Arty regts and bns have like (12) nnnnnaa (40) nnnnnbb (48) nnnnncc so what is that about. Is it a random ratio roll when selecting the unit for what you get, or what?
Those are percentages of chance, that formation will be chosen, I use this a lot in my formations to pick from types of different units.
Looks like you answered your own question!!