RE: Help with Smolensk Operational Situation 6
Just remember that any second or following consecutive run is not informative anymore - the fog of war has been spoilt irreversibly and at best it is yet one more rehearshal, but it's not a show a genuine wargamer is after, but a simulation. There is a guy here, I think his codename is Case Blue or something - that guy seems to be playing over and over the same Smolensk '41 scenarios, he pops up here on the forums once in a while, looking for opponents. I would never consider accepting that challenge - I don't mind fighting a much better fellow wargamer, I have been doing that numerous times, but against a guy who has seen that all before: been there, done that, bought the T-shirt ... or the farm. Nevermind, doing the same thing over and over gets You the knowledge about the mechanics of the game engine, but the real challenge is fighting a gainst a human opponent a scenario neither side has done before.
After the battle I also came to the conclusion that it would be much better to send the motorized recon up the northern flank ... Besides, the AI is dumb in the long run: first it successflully blocked me, I withdrew, but after the conclusion I saw that the very same battalions were finally stacked all together and gave way which I didn't know since I am used to human opponents who, after getting to know I am trying to outflank them and ppreventing me once from doing so, would secure their flanks much better. The Soviet AI once they lost me from sight, were indulging themselves in an outrageous inactivity whereas I was arongly thinking there's no chance to penetrate the southern flank anymore, the element of suprise was lost irretrievably and hacking the way through was out of the question.