Well, in certain science fiction renderings, there are computers that are practically paper thin and can be folded up and stuffed in a pocket. Imagine taking such a thing out, unfolding a 24" touch-"screen" and playing.
Lest we scoff, recall that tablets and smart phones were unheard of ten years ago or so. Now we have Google Glass . Reality is approaching SF faster and faster in many regards.
I'll futz around with this app but, like Al, will stick with my Win7 PC and my 21" monitor... for now.
As for productivity loss from having smart phones, I think that having internet and email access at work has just as - if no more than - an impact on productivity. But then, again, I also believe that people tend to be overworked and need more down time. What's the point of having all of this time-saving technology and just cramming our time with even more work? Let's play more Panzer Campaigns, instead!
(We recently cleaned out the back room of my office and threw out - among other things - floppy disks, zip disks, etc. On our desks at work, now, we have integrated HPs with the computer and the touch-screen monitor being the whole thing, along with wireless mice and keyboards. We've come a long way, even with our current desktops and monitors.)