(03-02-2014, 02:11 AM)ComradeP Wrote: It depends on how many defenders there are, if any. In some scenarios, roads are mined but lightly protected. You might also still be able to exit T mode, in which case the engineers will start clearing mines and you just leapfrogged through one or several minefield hexes by moving by truck, which is the situation that surprised me.
Like in the case of Hill 228_6. The engineers in the south can go by road in T mode without triggering minefield attacks and also often without getting shot at, whilst the PzG's will trigger a minefield attack immediately. It felt weird that a unit in T mode didn't trigger minefield attacks, engineers or not.
Yeah, I don't disagree. I don't think anyone even thought about doing that. Usually the defenders would reveal themselves and the ZOCs would slow you down leaving you vulnerable.
Essentially, we have to stop T mode mine clearing units getting a free ride into a minefield.
Leave me to mull over it.