RE: France '14 Update 1.03 Released
Well, the fanatical rule in WWI has limited use... and needs be used only in certain units... i think that this rule as you say helps in battles like Verdun or Gallipoli where you need prevent units in positions with hard defensive value be destroyed to fast, in some battles certain positions was hold in bad situations even cut off and i think in future titles we are going to see smaller units (maybe company level or lower???) and sure more bunkers in the line with trenches as strong points.
To be fair i prefer battles with movement, maybe this is why i like see a Tannenberg title or one covering middle east specially Meggido where what ifs could be very fun... stronger central powers (more infantry, german troops or cavalry), use of armor, extra troops in both sides...
Lets see what we have this year at least we are going to talk about serie with 2 titles hehehe.