Thanks for the welcome!
OK, I agree to play with your extra rules - but only to mention it (no offence meant - only to let you know how I see this):
Why should the attacker have a "comfort zone" where he can place his mortars and trucks and reserves while no artillery grenades will hit during the entire game? I think that this is kind of unfair against the defender who has no such zone.
But OK - that's not so important especially on such a large map.
Planes/CAS: This can be an important factor wether you must think of buying FLAK/AA guns or not (spending purchasing points) - but if the weather is on "overcast" there will be no planes anyway.
I can live with that too, of course.
One last question: (Just let me know) Only one rocket battery max., OK - What about mortars? On map? Off map? Limits?