A little question Volcanoman, you plan release an unit mod like the F14??? i like Jison art for units but maybe i prefer your "rough" soldiers mod, the 2nd one you do for F14 for me is the perfect combination between "clear uniforms" and "true soldiers look".
I like game a lot, is a curious mix of PzC+Napoleon... maybe i think game lacks some what if scens with UK sending troops to help rusians with a surprise land near Konisberg and AH sending early help to, nothing special only a few divisions (for example naval division with an add-hoc formation for UK and 2 infantry and 1 cavalry division from AH).
I think this could be a great serie if you can expand it to less know fronts and with similar fluid battles like in EP14, Meggido, Rumanian Campaign, Brusilov... maybe here i dislike the lack of support for team games using PBEM add this could improve the value of JT engine.
But great work guys, keept it working
PD: i try made darker the russian brown but i cant... i do it using Paint.net but after increase darknes the icons dissapear